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5 Reasons to Move From In-Person to Telehealth Appointments

These days, attending a medical appointment doesn’t always mean getting into the car and driving to a medical office. If you have an internet or data connection and at least one device that can make video calls, you can use telehealth services to attend medical appointments in your own comfortable home.

Thomas Nguyen, MD, and our team at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, are at the forefront of using technology to make your medical visits easier and more convenient while offering the same high standard of care. Here are 5 reasons to consider doing your next medical appointment over telehealth.

The difference between in-person and telehealth appointments

The main difference between telehealth and traditional medicine is that your appointment occurs virtually. Instead of sitting in a medical office with our team members, you connect with them using video calling on your device.

During a telehealth appointment, our team member asks you for information like your medical history, symptoms, and follow-up questions. Our team might ask you to assist with a virtual examination by having you move your video device to the area they’d like to see.

A virtual health visit takes the same length of time as an in-person visit. It ends with follow-up steps and a treatment plan, including prescribing medications and scheduling follow-up appointments.

Why consider a telehealth appointment?

If you’ve been considering a move to telehealth, you should consider giving telehealth a try for these five reasons.

1. You have difficulty attending in-person appointments

You have trouble making it in for an office visit for many reasons. They could include:

If any of these situations apply to you, let our team know, and we’ll make every effort to schedule your visits over telehealth.

2. You feel sick or have a diagnosed contagious illness

There’s nothing worse than having to get up and go to a medical appointment when you’re ill. A telehealth visit while you’re sick or experiencing side effects from a treatment saves your energy and helps you focus on your recovery.

In addition, our team might ask you to attend a telehealth visit if you’ve been diagnosed with or might have a contagious illness. This reduces the likelihood of transmission of your illness to others in the community.

3. You need to access a specialist or other provider

Sometimes, our team recommends you speak to a specialist or another medical professional as part of your treatment. Telehealth makes it easier for you to access the best providers in any location.

4. You’re medically vulnerable

You might be medically vulnerable if you’re immunocompromised, you have one or more chronic conditions, or a history of certain medical conditions. Being medically vulnerable can up your risk of catching other illnesses or triggering symptoms, so our team often recommends telehealth to keep you safe.

We might also recommend telehealth if another member of your household is immunocompromised to lower their risk.

5. You need an appointment for telehealth

Our team can provide several different types of medical visits with telehealth. Follow-up medical appointments, routine care, prescription renewal or review, health counseling, and diagnosis and treatment for some chronic conditions are all examples of types of appointments where we can offer high-quality telehealth care.

Telehealth is revolutionizing medical care, and receiving your care from home is often more comfortable, safer, and less expensive. If you’re interested in receiving care over telehealth, contact us to discuss and make your next appointment.

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