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Comprehensive Senior Care: 5 Invaluable Benefits of Medication Management

Comprehensive Senior Care: 5 Invaluable Benefits of Medication Management

When you enter your senior years, your medical needs can become more complex than when you were younger. Older adults are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions, which means you might be taking several medications.

For many seniors, senior care involves comprehensive medication management services. Learn from geriatrics specialist Thomas Nguyen, MD, of Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, 5 important benefits seniors get from medication management.

What is medication management?

Medication management ensures you’re taking the best medications to treat or manage any medical conditions you have in the best way. Especially if you have more than one chronic disease, managing medication can require taking multiple medications at least once per day.

During medication management, we ensure you have the support and tools available to you to take your medications in the way that best supports your health. It also allows our team to keep track of your health and adjust your medications as needed.

5 benefits of geriatric medication management

Anyone taking medication can benefit from medication management, but this support is especially helpful for seniors. If you’re an older adult, you can expect to get the following 5 benefits from medication management:

1. Ensuring you take medications are prescribed

Taking medication correctly can be confusing, especially if you have several different medications or need to take them at different times of day. As an older adult, you might have mobility or memory challenges that make it more difficult to take your medication.

As part of our management medication support, we help you develop effective strategies to ensure you can take all your medication properly in the way that best supports you.

2. Keeping you safe

The more medications you take, the more potential interactions each medication can have. Some prescription medications can be harmful or less effective when taken together or even when combined with over-the-counter medication.

Seniors can also react differently to medication than younger adults, and other factors, like allergies, could also impact your own personal safety needs. Our team monitors your medications to ensure they help you while avoiding harmful side effects.

3. Regularly monitoring your health

Helping you with medication management means our team regularly checks in with you about your medication. During this time, you can tell us if you’ve noticed any changes in how you’re feeling or if you’re experiencing any new side effects or symptoms.

Sometimes, your medication needs can change over time. With regular medication management appointments, we can adjust quickly and efficiently to keep you feeling your best.

4. Informing any caregivers

If you have complex medical needs or need assistance with daily tasks or getting around, you probably have a team to help you. This could be professionals, family members, and friends.

Our medication management program involves anyone you’re close to or who helps take care of you to stay informed. These supporters are often important in making sure you take your medication.

5. Simplifying your routine

It can be confusing to pick up prescriptions from multiple pharmacies, take medications at different times of day, and take different dosages in multiple forms. This is challenging for any adult but can be even more so if you have mobility or memory needs or rely on caregivers.

Centralizing your medication in one place allows your medication management team to make your routine as simple as possible. We’ll make collecting and taking your medication as easy as possible.

Contact us today for comprehensive support if you’re looking for specialized senior medical care, medication management services, or both. 

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