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Consider These Benefits of Working with a Medicare Provider

Consider These Benefits of Working with a Medicare Provider

Getting older means developing more wisdom, life experience, and, sometimes, additional health problems. When you age or have a disability, you’re more likely to have chronic diseases that need regular medical monitoring and treatment.

The excellent news is that older adults and some adults with disabilities qualify for Medicare. Thomas Nguyen, MD, a proud Medicare provider at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, explains what Medicare is and why you should work with a Medicare provider.

Understanding Medicare

Medicare is a healthcare program offered by the federal government in the United States. Those who qualify receive assistance from the government toward healthcare costs.

Depending on the type of medicare coverage you get, Medicare covers some or all of several different kinds of healthcare. Medicare coverage can be combined with private healthcare.

Most US citizens and green card holders who are 65 and older qualify for Medicare alongside Social Security benefits. You can also receive some or all Medicare benefits if:

Adults 65 and older who don’t otherwise qualify for Medicare can also buy coverage from the federal government.

Types of Medicare plans

There are four kinds of Medicare coverage: Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D. Part A is free for most qualifying adults and assists with hospital and long-term care bills.

You can also receive Part B for a monthly premium if you qualify for Part A. Part B helps with costs for many kinds of outpatient medical care, which are the appointments you attend outside of a hospital or long-term care facility.

Medicare Part C and D are both supplemental plans available to Medicare subscribers at an additional cost. Part C gives dental and vision coverage, and Part D is prescription drug coverage.

The role of a Medicare provider

A Medicare provider is a doctor or medical practice signed up to directly offer covered Medicare services to qualifying patients. This means you’re charged standard Medicare rates for any medical services.

After providing you with medical services, Medicare providers submit claims directly to Medicare for reimbursement. You pay any balance due at the appointment or after our team receives reimbursement for their portion.

Reasons to choose a Medicare provider

Choosing a Medicare provider, like our team at Nguyen Medical Group, is convenient and better for your wallet. You can expect the following benefits from choosing a direct Medicare provider:

No additional hidden costs

Medicare providers only charge you Medicare’s official coinsurance and deductible amounts. Our team ensures you understand the costs and works with you to personalize cost-effective treatment.

Medical facilities that aren’t full Medicare providers often require you to pay for the service upfront and then get reimbursed by Medicare. Rates are usually more expensive than official Medicare prices and can vary with different providers. 

If you use a provider that’s opted out of Medicare, you must pay all medical care costs, except in emergencies.

No need to submit claims

As full Medicare providers, our team submits all claims to Medicare. You don’t need to do any extra paperwork and only need to pay any fees due to our office.

You sometimes need to submit a claim independently for providers who don’t fully participate in Medicare services. This requires upfront payment and additional work to get reimbursed.

Working with a Medicare provider takes the guesswork out of medical treatment and ensures you get the treatment you need when needed. Contact our team to get started if you’d like to work with a competent, reputable, full Medicare provider. 


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