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How to Manage Cystic Fibrosis in Your 40s

How to Manage Cystic Fibrosis in Your 40s

With incredible advances in treatments and care, people with cystic fibrosis are living longer and healthier lives. If your cystic fibrosis is a well managed chronic condition, you can expect to live into middle age — and beyond.

At Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, chronic disease specialist Thomas Nguyen, MD and the whole team offer the best care to help you live well with cystic fibrosis at any age. This is what you can do to effectively manage cystic fibrosis in your 40s.

Living well with cystic fibrosis in your 40s

In past generations, patients with cystic fibrosis only lived into their teens and 20s. This has changed, and now the average person with cystic fibrosis lives into their 40s.

The average life expectancy for people with cystic fibrosis includes everyone with the diagnosis. If you are already well into adulthood and your condition is well managed, you can typically expect to live beyond the median life expectancy.

When your cystic fibrosis is well managed, you can enjoy a full life. Many adults with cystic fibrosis travel, are physically active, and have families.

Managing cystic fibrosis in your 40s

If you’re over 40 and have cystic fibrosis, here’s what you can do to manage your condition and maintain or obtain a lifestyle you enjoy.

Find a treatment plan that works for you

The most important first step is to find the combination of treatments that most effectively manage your cystic fibrosis. Every case of cystic fibrosis is different, and our team is here to find the best combination of treatments for you.

Cystic fibrosis management can include a combination of medications, airway clearance techniques and procedures, surgery, and lifestyle changes. Our team also checks in regularly with you to make sure your treatments are working and to adjust the plan if needed.

Stay consistent with your treatments

Once we’ve developed a treatment plan, it’s important to maintain all your treatments as recommended by our team. Cystic fibrosis commonly requires you to take medication or do treatments daily to be at your healthiest.

If remembering all your treatments is difficult for you, our team helps you devise a management plan to help you and your team manage. This can include setting up a system that reminds you when and how you need to do each treatment.

Live a healthy lifestyle

Living well with cystic fibrosis also involves living a lifestyle that keeps your body healthy. Our team advises you on the best diet and exercise you can do to stay healthy with cystic fibrosis.

Being happy is also important for your overall health and well-being. Our team helps you come up with solutions that reduce stress and help you stay calm and focused as you navigate your treatments.

With chronic care management, our team helps you and your caregivers most effectively manage your treatment. We offer the support you need to thrive as an adult over 40 with cystic fibrosis.

If you’d like assistance managing your cystic fibrosis or suspect you might have this condition, contact our team to arrange an appointment. We are available for telehealth as well as in person appointments. 

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