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This Busy Holiday Season, Get The Care You Need Without Leaving Your House with Home Visits

This Busy Holiday Season, Get The Care You Need Without Leaving Your House with Home Visits

With so many celebrations, gatherings, and activities, the holiday season is a busy time for everyone. Getting to the doctor’s office can be more demanding, making it easy to fall out of your usual routine and postpone medical appointments.

Nowadays, home health and telehealth services make it easier than ever to fit the care you need from Thomas Nguyen, MD, and our team at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, into your holiday schedule from home. Here’s how you can benefit from home-based health care this holiday season.

Types of home-based healthcare

You can access two types of medical visits from home: home health and telehealth. Here’s what you can expect from each kind of visit.

Home visits

During a home health visit, your medical professional visits you in your own home instead of in the medical clinic. Your clinician can do the same services you’d expect at a clinic, including:

If you have a medical need for consistent home assistance, you can also receive support from regularly scheduled home health aids or nurses. They offer services like helping you take medication, dress a wound, and do various activities of daily living.


The primary difference between telehealth and home visits is how you see your provider. In telehealth visits, instead of coming to your home, your clinician virtually attends the appointment via video via a video-enabled device like your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or web camera.

Our team can perform a remote exam, diagnose and treat many conditions, order follow-up tests, prescribe medication, and provide follow-up visits and counseling.

Telehealth is also accessible if you need an appointment and are traveling for the holidays. With the right technology, you can have a medical visit from any private location. 

When to schedule holiday healthcare from your home

Home health and telehealth visits are the perfect solution during the bustling holiday season. This holiday season, consider using these convenient services if any of the following apply:

You’re extremely busy

The holiday season brings additional time commitments, with children out of school, home health providers on vacation, and greater caregiving responsibilities. Instead of struggling to fit in a visit to the office around these commitments, you can have a quick appointment without having to travel to the private location of your choice.

You’ve caught a bug

The weather starts cooling down in the holiday season, so between the temperature dropping and increased social mingling over the holidays, you’re also more likely to get sick. Telehealth and home health visits keep you from having to travel when you’re sick and protect others from being exposed to contagious illnesses.

You’re out of town for the holidays

If you’re visiting family or taking a vacation over the holidays, you can continue to get service from your usual providers by using telehealth services, even if you’re temporarily away from home.

Our team is here to help you with your routine and urgent medical needs throughout the holiday season. Contact us now to find out if home health or telehealth is right for you and to schedule your visit. 

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