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When you start feeling general symptoms of malaise, the small, butterfly thyroid gland is probably the last culprit to cross your mind. Surprisingly, thyroid problems can cause many wide-ranging symptoms that make life more difficult. According to Thomas Nguyen, MD, a thyroid expert practicing at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton...
A diagnosis of diabetes often requires you to make changes to your diet. Eating the right foods in the ideal portion sizes makes it easier to manage your diabetes symptoms and live a better life. After a diabetes diagnosis, you might need to avoid foods you previously enjoyed, but many...
One of the best resolutions you can make this year is to control any health issues. Low cholesterol levels can lead to potentially serious health complications. However, with lifestyle changes and a treatment plan developed and managed by Thomas Nguyen, MD, and the team at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton...
With so many celebrations, gatherings, and activities, the holiday season is a busy time for everyone. Getting to the doctor’s office can be more demanding, making it easy to fall out of your usual routine and postpone medical appointments. Nowadays, home health and telehealth services make it easier than ever...
Getting older means developing more wisdom, life experience, and, sometimes, additional health problems. When you age or have a disability, you’re more likely to have chronic diseases that need regular medical monitoring and treatment. The excellent news is that older adults and some adults with disabilities qualify for Medicare. Thomas...
If you’ve been diagnosed with any type of arthritis, you have a chronic condition that causes inflammation and pain. Arthritis pain can be debilitating and make it hard to go about your usual routine. But there’s good news. For many people with arthritis, straightforward lifestyle changes are all that’s necessary...
We all know the importance of getting vaccines to bolster your immune system as a child. In adulthood, you also need to update old vaccines and get new immunizations to fight off disease and stay as healthy as possible. Staying up to date with vaccines is one of the most...
When you enter your senior years, your medical needs can become more complex than when you were younger. Older adults are more likely to have multiple chronic conditions, which means you might be taking several medications. For many seniors, senior care involves comprehensive medication management services. Learn from geriatrics specialist...
Diabetes means your body doesn’t produce insulin or process sugar correctly. If you have diabetes, it can affect your body in all kinds of unexpected ways. According to diabetes specialist Thomas Nguyen, MD, who practices at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, one of the most unexpected symptoms of...
An underactive thyroid, also known as hypothyroidism, can make you feel sluggish, tired, and generally unwell. If you’re a woman with hypothyroidism, it can be easy to attribute its symptoms to conditions like menopause, your menstrual cycle, or even stress. Thyroid expert Thomas Nguyen, MD, from Nguyen Medical Group in...
Uncontrolled high blood pressure, or hypertension, is a difficult-to-detect and serious health condition. Alongside the risk of heart damage, uncontrolled hypertension can hurt other organs, including your kidneys. In recognition of World Hypertension Day on May 17, Thomas Nguyen, MD, and our entire team at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton...
Insulin is one of the most important chemicals your body produces. Thanks to insulin, your body can complete many essential functions. If your body doesn’t produce enough effective insulin, you’re at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes specialist Thomas Nguyen, MD, of Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach,...
About 86 million American adults have high cholesterol, placing them at risk of serious and life-threatening complications like heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and dementia. Even more alarming — only about half of those women and men are currently taking medicine that could help them manage cholesterol and reduce the...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...
There’s nothing better than having the peace of mind that you’re in good health and the tools to help you continue that way. One of the easiest ways to maintain your optimum health is by attending your annual physical. On the other hand, according to Thomas Nguyen, MD, from Nguyen...
These days, attending a medical appointment doesn’t always mean getting into the car and driving to a medical office. If you have an internet or data connection and at least one device that can make video calls, you can use telehealth services to attend medical appointments in your own comfortable...
It used to be that every health concern required an in-person visit to the doctor. With incredible technological advances, it’s possible to attend many medical appointments virtually through telehealth. Most of the time, all you need for a telehealth appointment from your comfortable home is a device connecting to an...
Developing type 2 diabetes isn’t an event that takes place overnight; instead, it’s a steady progression that can develop over many years. Before developing diabetes, you might first be diagnosed with prediabetes, which puts you at higher risk for diabetes. In honor of National Diabetes Month, which happens every November,...
You can look and feel healthy, and yet, still have a health problem that comes with no symptoms. One of the most common diseases that’s difficult to spot is high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. According to Thomas Nguyen, MD, of Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, without...
If you're frequently having problems having a full bowl movement frequently or without straining, there’s a good chance you have constipation. This condition is uncomfortable and can lead to further complications like rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids. Luckily, for many people, constipation is an easily treatable problem fixed by adding more fiber...
As an adult over the age of 65, your needs are likely to be different than when you were a younger adult. You’re more likely to have more than one chronic condition, might have more mobility issues, and could have a complex medical care routine that requires many medications. Because your...
After you discover you have high cholesterol, the first step is to work to lower it as quickly as possible. The longer you have high cholesterol, the greater your risk is for developing potentially dangerous health conditions. Incredibly, lowering your bad, or LDL, cholesterol, isn’t as complicated as it seems....
Cystic fibrosis is a chronic condition, meaning there’s no cure after you receive a diagnosis. Luckily, with the right care, you can expect to live a healthy and comfortable life with cystic fibrosis for many years to come. Coming up with the right management plan for your cystic fibrosis is...
Once you get a diabetes diagnosis, one of the best ways you can get your condition under control and start to get your health back on track is by changing your lifestyle. Eating a diabetes-friendly diet is one of the key ways to rebalance your health. Planning a diet that’s diabetes-friendly can...
Experiencing an episode of diarrhea is unpleasant, uncomfortable, and sometimes embarrassing. While occasional diarrhea is frustrating enough, getting regular diarrhea can start to disrupt your life. Sometimes, diarrhea is a symptom of a more serious condition, but according to Thomas Nguyen, MD, from Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida,...
There’s no getting around it: heart attacks are scary to experience, dangerous, and potentially lethal. Heart disease, the condition that commonly leads to heart attacks, is Americans' top cause of death. The better news is, many factors that increase your risk of getting heart disease are in your control. By...
When it comes to confidence in your good health, there’s nothing better than peace of mind. One of the best ways to know you’re healthy, and doing all the right things to stay that way, is by attending your annual physical exam. Whether you’re healthy, unwell, young, or a little bit older, Thomas...
Have you been experiencing strange, difficult to diagnose symptoms like rapid heartbeat, tremors, and unexpected weight loss? If so, you might have a thyroid condition called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can cause symptoms that are life changing in how they impact you, but with a good treatment plan and medical supervision, you...
Older adulthood is often an enriching and rewarding time of your life, but it can also come with new challenges. When you age, you might find yourself coping with more chronic medical conditions, decreased mobility, and the passing of loved ones. These changes can put you at risk for developing depression,...
When your kidneys aren’t working as they should, it can lead to severe complications and even early death. If you have chronic kidney disease, early diagnosis is key to controlling your condition and preventing it from progressing further. Chronic kidney disease is difficult to diagnose, so Thomas Nguyen, MD and...
With incredible advances in treatments and care, people with cystic fibrosis are living longer and healthier lives. If your cystic fibrosis is a well managed chronic condition, you can expect to live into middle age — and beyond. At Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, chronic disease specialist Thomas Nguyen, MD and the whole team offer...
If you have high cholesterol, you’re at risk of developing a number of severe health problems if you aren’t able to get your levels back down to a normal level. Although improving your cholesterol levels might sound intimidating, it’s surprisingly easy to reduce them without medication. According to Thomas Nguyen, MD and...
When you’re having trouble having a full bowel movement, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from constipation. Nearly everyone has experienced constipation before, but if it becomes a regular occurrence, it can make it hard to go about your day and indicate further health problems. With the help of Thomas Nguyen,...
After a diagnosis of diabetes, you often need to make certain lifestyle changes to ensure you manage the condition and stay at your optimal health. One of the changes you often need to make is to your diet. Going out to eat can feel more difficult when you have diabetes; however,...
If you’ve received a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, you, like 32.5 million Americans, have the most common form of arthritis in the country. When the symptoms go unmanaged, osteoarthritis can cause pain and discomfort that limits your mobility and quality of life. With lifestyle changes and a treatment plan developed by...
Finding out you have Crohn's disease is a life changing diagnosis. Crohn's is a serious chronic disease that impacts your gastrointestinal tract and can reduce your quality of life. Fortunately, with the right medical care and a lifestyle plan designed to prevent flare-ups of your Crohn's disease, you can live...
If you’re over the age of 65, it might be time to consider getting geriatric care from a geriatrics specialist. As you consider whether seeing a geriatrics specialist is right for you, you might be wondering how getting geriatric care differs from traditional primary care. Primary care and geriatric care...
Often known as the silent killer, high cholesterol frequently comes with no symptoms. This causes the disease to potentially run rampant, causing significant, often dangerous problems to develop without any warning. At Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, Thomas Nguyen, MD, recommends regular cholesterol screenings to ensure you keep...
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it means your body doesn’t process sugar in the way that’s expected. Diabetes can impact your body in some surprising ways, especially your feet. A diagnosis of diabetes means you need to pay extra attention to and take special care of your feet to...
If you are a woman, you’re potentially at risk of developing cancer in your cervix, one of your important reproductive organs. Cervical cancer doesn’t always have easy-to-detect symptoms at a stage where it’s simpler to treat. Thankfully, an easy preventive health screening called a pap test detects potential cervical cancer...
As a child, you might have had your medical appointments with a pediatrician who specializes in the medical needs of young people. Now, as an older adult, you also have a unique set of medical needs different from adults of different ages. Many adults 65 and up benefit from receiving...
If you’ve ever had a small piece of skin suddenly appear to be hanging from the rest of your skin for no reason, you might have had a skin tag. Skin tags don’t usually cause pain or medical issues, but they can occasionally become infected and make you feel self-conscious...
When it comes to keeping your cholesterol healthy, you’ve no doubt heard you need to keep your cholesterol levels low. High cholesterol is, in fact, dangerous to your health, but the different types of cholesterol aren’t all created equal. To achieve ideal cholesterol levels, the key is to keep your...
Even the healthiest adults can sometimes need a little boost to improve their health. When you need a checkup, aren’t feeling well, or have an injury, you can feel better and prevent future medical problems by accessing primary care. Board-certified internal medicine physician Thomas Nguyen, MD and our team at...
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, one of the best ways to help control your condition is by living a healthy lifestyle. For most diabetics, staying active and getting regular exercise is an important component of your healthy routine. Diabetes specialist Thomas Nguyen, MD, and our team at Nguyen Medical...
The thyroid, the petite organ located in your neck, is a body part most people don’t think about often. The hormone regulating abilities of the thyroid are easy to take for granted when it’s working well, but when your thyroid stops working properly, it can cause all kinds of unexpected...
Do you want to stay as healthy and active as possible and avoid illnesses whenever you can? If so, you’re a perfect candidate for preventive health care. Here at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, Thomas Nguyen, MD, MS and our team use preventive health care as our first...
Did you know that May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month? Impacting over 30,000 American adults and children, cystic fibrosis is a progressive chronic disease that, without regular monitoring and treatment, can cause severe, life-threatening damage to your lungs and other organs. Although cystic fibrosis is a serious condition, with medical...
High-speed internet services have changed and benefited our lives in many ways. As modern technology continues to improve, it’s made it possible to receive more medical services than ever without leaving your home using telehealth. At Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, our team, led by Thomas Nguyen, MD,...
At every age, your medical needs change, and this continues to be true after you reach adulthood and continue to grow older. As you enter into your older years, your health and well-being will benefit the most from receiving specialized geriatric medical care. Getting medical care from geriatrics specialist Thomas...
Impacting 10% of American adults, diabetes is an extremely common medical condition. Many adults with diabetes are receiving treatment, but a significant number don’t know they’re living with diabetes. Without treatment, diabetes can be an extremely dangerous condition. The good news is, with early diagnosis and continued medical treatment, diabetes...
For many people, the new year comes with a renewed focus on staying healthy. One of the simplest and most effective things you can do to protect your health is to have an annual physical exam. Our team at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, is dedicated to protecting...
The start of the holiday season often coincides with the height of flu season. This holiday season, it’s especially important to protect your health and protect your community by having your annual flu vaccine. At Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, we are proud to focus on senior citizens...
Your thyroid gland normally helps regulate your body’s natural metabolic processes by producing hormones. However, if your thyroid makes too much or too little of these hormones, it can wreak havoc on your system. Here at Nguyen Medical Group in Boynton Beach, Florida, we have years of experience helping senior...
If you have arthritis then you know just how agonizing it can be when you’re in pain. And exercising is probably the last thing on your mind. But, did you know that with regular exercise you can actually improve your arthritis pain? At Nguyen Medical Group, Thomas Nguyen, M.D., M.S.,...
Nearly 10% of Americans live with diabetes, making it one of the most common chronic conditions in the country. Unfortunately, nearly a quarter of those people don’t yet realize they have diabetes. One of the barriers to diagnosis is that diabetes comes in two main different forms, Type 1 and...
Having an annual physical at Nguyen Medical Group is one of the best things you can to protect your health throughout your lifetime. But if you’re feeling in good health, this important preventive care appointment can be easy to procrastinate or delay. Prevention is key: preventing any potential concerns with...